Roxbury Poetry Festival
Publisher's Poetry Slam 2023
The Poetry Slam is taking place at the Bruce C Bolling Building on August 5, 2023 from 7pm-9pm.
Registration for the Poetry Slam will close August 1st 2023.
Register to compete
Rules & Guidelines
- 10 poets will compete in three rounds. Poets must perform original work and can not use props, costume changes, or any musical accompaniment outside of their voice. Each poet will have 3 minutes and a 10 second grace period. There will be a half point time penalty for every 10 seconds over time limit.
- Round 1: 10 poets with random draw
- Round 2: 7 poets, organized high to low
- Final Round: 3 poets, random draw from stage
- Judges are TBD. Poem and performance will be judged on a scale of 1-10 based on written craft and performance and delivery.
- Winner will receive a chapbook deal from Button Poetry along with supporting resources to write their book.
Hosted By Harlym 125

1Two5 remains well known nationally and in multitudes poetry circles. Known as Harlym 125, He is a frequent and highly regarded figure in competitions, performance, concert and beyond. 125 has become a part of the Boston area poetry scene and joined teams of poets who have won numerous competitions regionally and nationally. 125 has also become well known in the Boston area for his work leading workshops dealing with issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. Several times in the last couple of years, Harlym has been called to local high schools, colleges and communities to help bring a calm and constructive unity after incidents of racial injustice have occurred.
The Poetry Slam will be filmed and published by Button Poetry